Thursday, May 24, 2012

Good News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you know, I had my mid-treatment CT scan today. And I quote: "It looks like you are having excellent success with this treatment." The scans showed that my tumors were pretty much gone, and that I had very little scar tissue. Needless to say, Jason and I had somewhat of an emotional breakdown in the doctor's office. Once I finally collected myself, the doctor said that it is very unlikely that I'll need radiation or any more chemo after my next two cycles. Yay!

I have to get up bright and early tomorrow morning for my 7am appointment to start my fifth round of chemo, so I'll keep this post short. BUT, I want to thank everyone again for helping me to get through this. All of your supportive words, encouragement, and prayers have kept me in a state of mind that has been conducive to healing, which has likely been an important component to the success of this treatment. Thank you!!!!!!

Two more cycles to go!



  1. I don’t have the words to express how incredibly happy I am. I always knew in my heart that you had the strength to fight and win. I know your battle isn’t over yet, but that light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer! Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and everyone you know. After your phone call…and my crying fit of joy, I finally went and tried on wedding gowns. I can’t wait for the day that you stand with me as my best friend and sister as I get married. I love you!!!

  2. This is such great news!! Love you so much!

  3. That is amazing!!!!!!!! We are so happy! -Jared & Bee

  4. Such great news! Keep hanging in there. You are a strong person and this is just another bump in the road reassuring that in you. I cant wait to see you in the near future. Kevin

  5. Booya, take that, cancer! I'm so glad to hear your encouraging news.

  6. Fantastic news Shana! We are very happy for you! Keep it up.

  7. This is WONDERFUL news Shana!!!

  8. Shana, I was so happy to read your post! I think of you often. A little more left to go!

  9. Congrats!!! That's awesome news!!!

  10. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! - Jared & Bee
